Do you have a good, innovative business idea?

Then you have come to the right place!

You may already know that creativity alone is not enough to meet the challenges of the market. As a new or future enterprise you need capital, sound management expertise and an effective network.

FourL Holding not only provides the necessary financial resources but also serves as a trusted advisor. We are a competent partner that brings strategic skills and capital to your project.

By drawing on our international experience and contacts, we support you and create the basis for a strong market position.

We promote clever ideas from all sectors and find solutions that are a perfect match for you and your company objective. With the right strategy and a relationship based on trust, we provide the creative spark and energy that will turn your visions into reality, no matter how small your company or how big your goals.

We offer you a tailor-made financing concept, regardless of your sector.
If you are a creative, ambitious entrepreneur looking for a great investment opportunity, you have come to the right place!

FOUR-L … to Live … to Love … to Learn … to leave a Legend!

Would you like to put your ideas into practice?

And are you looking for a reliable partner?

You need more than a good idea to position yourself successfully in the market. Capital, sound management expertise, a well thought-out concept as well as a broad network form the basis for you to successfully implement your idea.

As a budding entrepreneur you become part of our extensive network, which ensures your successful entry into the market. Rest assured that we give you all the time you need to establish your business idea.

We offer you access to financial resources as well as to our network and expertise based on years of international experience, thus creating a platform for positioning your products and services successfully in the market.

We create tailor-made solutions and support you in turning your company visions into reality…

„Ideas won’t keep.
Something must be done with them.“

Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947),
English mathematician and philosopher

Would you like to continue growing in your market?

Is your company looking to expand?

Unlike many investors, we are interested in long-term cooperation without interfering with your entrepreneurial decisions.

Having successfully established yourself in the market, you are now looking to expand.

To do this, you seek financially sound investors who will support your growth and take a long-term interest in the continued development of your company.

We offer you our experience, help and advice as well as the financial resources you need to expand your business.

Our cooperation is tailored to our partners‘ requirements, and we make sure that you receive the freedom and support you need to grow successfully in the market…

„It is not important to know the future
but rather to be prepared for it.“

Perikles (490 – 429 v. Chr.)
Greek statesman

Are you looking for smart investments?

Would you like to use your capital effectively?

If you are a creative, ambitious entrepreneur looking for a great investment opportunity, you have come to the right place!

Invest, together with us, in innovative business ideas, promising business start-ups or expanding companies that are already established in the market.

Invest in the future and turn promising company visions into reality.

Become an important part of a successful team by providing financial support to young entrepreneurs and helping them to implement their business ideas and position themselves in the market.

There is a wealth of great and promising ideas, concepts and projects waiting for you.

„If money go before,
all ways do lie open!“

William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
Playwright, poet, actor

How come you cannot get a loan for a clever idea, but you can for your grandmother's property?

- German minister-president